Academic Programs

Degree Offerings

The joint-program between Liaoning Normal University and Missouri State University that is LNU-MSU offers a two-year AA degree in General Studies and the option to complete another two years for a BS degree in General Business. Students who choose to transfer to Missouri State University in Springfield for their last two years of study have the option of completing a Bachelor degree in other areas besides General Business including Accounting, Business Education, Financial Planning, IT Services, Marketing, and more. Exceptional students who complete their Bachelor degree in Springfield, may also then have the opportunity to continue their graduate and post-graduate studies in a variety of subject areas there as well. Upon completion of a bachelor degree, Chinese in-plan students also have the option of starting a master degree in professional studies in Dalian. The following tables summarize the various degree options.

Chinese In-Plan Student Degree Options
Associate Degree Option Study 2 years in Dalian
Bachelor Dual Degree Options* Study 4 years in Dalian
Study 2 years in Dalian + 2 years in Springfield, Missouri
Master Degree Options Dual Degree Option*:
Study 1 year in Dalian + 1 year in Springfield, Missouri
MSU-only Degree Option:
Study for 2 years in Springfield, Missouri

* Completion of dual degree programs (offered only to Chinese in-plan students) is awarded with Diplomas from both Liaoning Normal University and Missouri State University. All other programs are only awarded diplomas from Missouri State University.

International & Chinese Out-Plan Student Degree Options
(Including students from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao)

Associate Degree Option Study 2 years in Dalian
Bachelor Degree Options Study 4 years in Dalian
Study 2 years in Dalian + 2 years in Springfield, Missouri
Master Degree Option Study for 2 years in Springfield, Missouri

Praise from a Former Student

Jennifer Liu Yuhan

Assistant to the President at
Byguard Inc.
Class of 2010

“I feel very lucky to have been able to attend LNU-MSU College of International Business. The four wonderful years there gave me many gifts. My English improved dramatically thanks to my teachers who encouraged me to speak, from one word, one sentence, one paragraph, to finally, a full in-class presentation. My gifts were not as much about knowledge, but much more about building my confidence and ability. I learned not only what was in the books, but how to be a success in the real world. I even attended a meeting with a Chinese company president to talk about the importance of communication. This would never happen in a common Chinese university. I am so grateful for the unique educational experience given to me at LNU-MSU. Thank you Dean Dong, the staff and all my dear teachers.”

Jennifer Liu Yuhan Assistant to the President at Byguard Inc. Class of 2010

Jennifer Liu Yuhan

Assistant to the President at
Byguard Inc.
Class of 2010
LNU-MSU lobby

We appreciate your interest in our program. You can reach us directly in Dalian, China or at the Office of China Programs in Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A.